Wiki Help. I'm a little confused.


Valley City, ND
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36 week pregnant patient sees the ob provider. provider is doing a GBS collection and notices 3 genital warts. provider removes the warts at this time. How would this be coded?
Would I use both the E&M code and the cpt code? Would I also use modifier 25? I need the modifier which code would it go with the E&M or the cpt? OR would I just code with the E&M Or just the cpt code?? :confused:

Thanks for the help :)
Try using modifier 24 because the wart removal was an unrelated service to the GBS service unless it's bundled in another CPT code.

I would say yes to E/M but you should have 2 E/M's one with your global no charge(Besides labs) primary Dx OXX.XX for OB visit then a separate E/M with a Mod 25 or 57(if the CPT you use has global days).
Your primary Dx for 2nd E/M would be the warts so that the insurance knows this is a visit outside your OB global pkg.

Hope this helps!
I would use the ENM+ the CPT code for the removal. I will append mod 25 to the ENM code. Some payers may not pay for antepartum complications... O98.31X + the A code for the condylomas + Z3A.36.