Wiki Help identifying components to eye exams


Columbus, WI
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My facility codes everything and we sorely lack training. I am starting on opthalmology encounters and I am not sure how to identify the differences between a comprehensive and intermediate eye exam. We were just told to count up to 12 items and then it's comprehensive. However, I would like to know how to identify these 12 components. Any resources to share?
intermediate exam:- need to 3-7 physical exam elements. in those adnexal and external ocular exam bullets are compulsory. if you miss any one of these two, you need to code regular EM CPTS
comprehensive exam:- Need 8 or more physical exam elelments. in those Gross visual field, basic sensiromotor exam, exernal ocular exam, adenexal exam and fundus examination (ophthalmoscopic examination). bullets are compulsory.