Dubai, UAE
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Hello. I passed the CPC exam last June 2018 here in the UAE. I am struggling to find a job since last year due to the high competition and the fact that companies don't want to employ someone with no experience at all. I am very frustrated and I already feel that my chance of getting myself somewhere is taken away from me. I am so desperate already and I don't know what to do. I tried applying even for remote jobs but most of my applications were rejected. I am a registered nurse and I can't work as a nurse anymore because of my spinal cord issues. I hope there is still something waiting for me out there.
Hello, I have been given opportunities due to billing experience. I think that is odd and totally unfair that they won't consider you for your strong medical background. I have not landed a full coding job yet, but just passed my exam last month and have been getting offers. I think it would be your best bet to apply to some of those contract to hire positions. Even if the job is temporary, you can at least get your foot in the door. Try applying to billing and medical records.
I have seen these types of frustrated posts from new coders for a while now, and I have been able to deduct the following:

There are companies who are looking for any coders (including CPC-A, with little to no direct coding experience), you just need to find them. Yes, it is very frustrating when you are rejected time over time again despite your best efforts, over something you cannot control or change (amount of coding work experience). I am not sure how things work in the UAE, but I have seen postings from employers here in the US who want any coders as long as they have some medical office experience, and have passed the CPC (-A is ok).

I can see from the employer viewpoint why they want an experienced coder, however if they have the bandwidth to train, then they can mold that coder into whatever they want (which I see as a huge benefit). At a previous job, I loved to train freshly minted physicians out of residency on how to code. It was a delight to get their eager feedback and see their minds work. I would take that any day over a veteran physician who might be stubborn and resistant to new coding changes.

My advice to you is, if you still want to get into coding to not give up. Professionally, I would be interested in talking to you based on your clinical background, which in your case I think you should promote in tandem with your coding credential. Remote coding would not be in your grasp yet, as they will require direct coding experience (also for your own sake), but I do not see any reason to not give you a chance with what you appear to offer. Look at larger organizations, but don't neglect smaller ones either. Keep working at it, and something is bound to come about from your hard work.

Good luck!
I'm also a retired RN and can't do the physical type of work due to advancing muscular dystrophy so I'm in the same boat with you rheanikolaus!
I just started the COC course since my goal is ASC and I have lots of OR, Pre/Post Op experience.
Those first 6 Chapters were a slog! All the regulations and Congress and laws and dates, but I just hit the Terminology/Anatomy chapter and I feel like I'm home!
I peruse this Forum and watch to see how questions are answered and I goof around in an old Facility Exam Review by Carol Buck to get used to my resource books. It's a whole new ballgame but I love it!