Wiki Help for E&M certification test


Canton, GA
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Can anyone who's taken E&M certification offer advice on getting ready for CEMC exam? What resources did you take to exam other than E&M audit tool? I'm nearly finished with online E&M class and ordered study guide and practice test.
Thanks for any help!
1995 & 1997 E/M Documentation Guidelines

I took these with me to my exam as they were allowed - not sure if they still are. I did end up referring to them for a couple questions.

Re: E/M audit tool - I took enough paper copies as I was more comfortable with that than the laminated one. Nothing wrong with that and it does save trees, but I would just say do what YOU are comfortable with - make it as close as possible to what you have done in class and/or on the job.
I am not sure if you have access with your online course, but I used the practice exams online and in the text material of the study guide. I worked through these multiple times, paying close attention to the rationales. I also made sure I was comfortable with my books and had them tabbed for anything I thought I might need to refer to. I found an audit sheet that I was comfortable with, and since I was already coding E/M on my job, I used the paper audit sheet instead of an electronic tool for the month prior to my exam in order to be able to use my sheet effectively and quickly and get some more coding practice.

I also preferred to take copies of the paper audit sheet. Prior to the exam, I set up my books and materials to get an idea of the best way to organize everything during the exam. This could help you determine if a laminated sheet or a paper sheet would work better for you.

Good luck!
thanks for replies

Question that I'm not sure about: Does RX eye drops and RX creams count for MDM mod for RX management?

Thanks for your help everyone!
Were they prescribed, checked, or changed? If any one of those things happened then RX is part of the MDM picture. As for level, I wouldn't know.
new prescription in urgent care. I wasn't sure about eye drops and skin creams as counting RX management.