Wiki HELP!!documented in note but not listed in bill


Leesburg, FL
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Doctor documented vaccine performed but not listed on bill can i still say modifier 25 is necessary with e/m plus he is using a preventive code.
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he documented he was providing immunization during preventive exam and also using e/m code with 25 modifier is it appropriate and also not listed on the encounter/bill

i realized after and one or two audits I do them remotely i believe it should be included in preventitive and no e/m This doctor was upcoding
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i realized after and one or two audits I do them remotely i believe it should be included in preventitive and no e/m This doctor was upcoding

The immunization is not included in a preventive exam. If it is documented in the note it should be included on the bill. There is not an additional E/M code, it is the immunization medication and also the administration code that are used in addition to the preventive E/M. Some carriers need a -25 modifier on the preventive exam in order to correctly process the administration of an immunization as they consider it a procedure.