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Help I took my CPC-H test today and I have found the answers to most of the questions that stumped me or at least a general area but I am completely stumped by a situation similar to this one
A patient is stabbed and taken to emergency laparotomy but dies in surgery is patient billed as an inpatient or outpatient because he hadn't been admitted :confused:
Emergency room visits are considered outpatient until the patient has been admitted to the hospital, surgery does not equate to admission (similar to day surgery - no admit)
Hi I am currently studying for the CPC-H and I happen to read about this in the study guide for 2014 on page 50. If a patient dies during surgery, the hospital may bill the procedure with APC 375 with the modifier CA that indicates the patient expired prior to admission when a procedure was performed on an outpatient basis. The facility would be reimbursed based on the APC assignment. So I think the answer to your question would be outpatient.
Thank you all for your help... Hoping still that I passed but if not at least I have figured out where I went wrong and will be able to fix it next time. I swear I read the whole study guide and didn't see this situation :p