Wiki Help Coding Please


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Any help or suggestions on this is appreciated. Just looking for a little guidance to make sure we are not missing anything on these rather complicated procedures.

Preop - Acute arterial occlusion right lower extremity
Postop - Acute occlusion peroneal trunk on the right lower extremity
and aortobifemoral bypass graft

1. Primary stent placement tib/peroneal trunk - 37230
2. Infusion of thrombolytics, TPA - 37201
3. First order cannulation - 36245
4. Supervision interpretation of thrombolytics - 75896
5. Supervision interpretation unilateral arteriogram - 75710

or is it more appropriate to code;


Pt brought to cath lab, groins prepped. Pt systemically heparinized. Accessed left side first and placed guide wire then a sheath in left groin but unable to get guide wire and catheter over bifurcation and aortobifemoral. Switched then to antegrade on the right side, doing antegrade stick. Able to obtain arteriogram showing occluded tib/peroneal trunk and anterior tibial. Sheath left in place was able to get guide wire across tib/peroneal trunk. Primary stent of a 4 stent was done. Left infusion catheter in place due to sluggish flow. Stent was also post dilated with 4 mm balloon.