Wiki help antepartum visits


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I need help coding for antepartum visits. prenatal care was provided, but pt deliver on the side of the road. Provider deliver the placenta only. Now I need to bill for the antepartum visits without the delivery.

how do I enter the antepartum visits?

01/15/2015 to 11/2015 15 units?

New to ob billing, Please help!!!!:confused::confused::mad::mad:
I'm thinking the following if everything but the delivery of the baby was done

59426 x 1 unit (Antepartum care only; 7 or more visits)
59414 x 1 unit (Delivery of Placenta)
59430 x 1 unit (Postpartum care only)

The carrier may just want you to bill the global with or without modifier 52 since the provider did most of what is described