Wiki HELP 99212, 99213 OR 99214 ??


Sandy, OR
Best answers

Diagnosis: PAIN ONLY
treatment: RX anti inflam

After reading the chart note below, would you consider this an undiagnosed new problem with uncertain prognosis? (MODERATE) with RX management (MODERATE)?

Is this just a terrible note - I feel very confused by the following?......

Assessment and Plan:
MRI results were reviewed and results were discussed with patient. I explained to the patient that he has some ill-defined findings in his hip. They appear to be symmetric. I explained to the patient I am unsure why his hip is giving him pain. I recommended conservative treatment. I'm going to place him on a prescription anti-inflammatory. He's going to continue his home exercises. He will see me back in six weeks if he's not improved. At that time, if he is still symptomatic I would recommend an intra-articular steroid injection.

History of Present Illness: 38 y.o. male who presents today for follow-up to review an MRI.

No past medical history on file.
No past surgical history on file.
No family history on file.
No Known Allergies
Objective: There were no vitals taken for this visit. There is no height or weight on file to calculate BMI.

Physical Examination:
General: well appearing and well nourished
Eyes: Pupils equally round and reactive
Mood/Affect: appropriate
Skin: Skin color, texture, turgor normal. No rashes or lesions
Pulmonary: Breathing is clear and unlabored
Cardiac/Vascular: peripheral pulses symmetrical and radial 2+

I independently reviewed his the patient's MRI performed at ______ Health System it demonstrates ill defined anterior superior labral tear in the left and right hip. Bone marrow edema in the acetabulum.
If the MRI was ordered by your provider from last visit, it cannot be counted again for the review this time. Order and review is one count and he would have
gotten the credit from the last visit.
I would give this a 99213 ( since the MRI results was vague, there is not a definite reason for the pain, it will be 1 acute uncomplicated illness + meds = 99213