Wiki Hello I'm new


Chaska, MN
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Hi Everyone,
I recently became an AAPC member. I graduated from the Medical Billing and Coding Program just a few months ago and I am scheduled to take my CPC exam in May. I wanted to know if any of the codes in the ICD-10 books have changed/updated/deleted since 2015? The reason I am asking is because I have my books from school that I was going to use but they are ICD-10-CM/PCS 2015. Also, my CPT and HCPCS II books are from 2014. Will I be able to use these when I take my exam?

Thank you so much for any feedback you give. I'm studying and I purchased the practice exams but just want to see if I need to spend any extra money at this time or if I will be ok to use the books I already have.

Kris :)
ICD-10 CM has not changed since 2014. You will need the 2016 CPT and HCPC II books, There have too many changes since 2014 in those books.
Thank you

Hi Debra,
Thank you so much for your reply. This helps me out alot. I am going to go ahead and purchsase the CPT 2016 and HCPCS 2016 as well. Have a wonderful day.

Talk to you again
