Wiki Heart Caths


High View, WV
Best answers
Could I get some assistance in the interpretation of the below procedure:

PROCEDURE: Procedure was done via the right common femoral artery with a 6-French system. Informed consent was obtained. coronary angiography was done using the Judkins technique of both the left and right system. She also had left ventriculography done in the RAO 30 degree cranial projection using a 34cc of contrast at 14 cc/second at a 0.3 rise.

Am I correct in interrupting the above procedure to be RT & LT Heart Cath?

Thanks for your help!!
I would interpret this as 93458-coronary angiography and left ventriculogram. It sounds like the right and left was referring to the angiography.
I don't feel that there's enough documentation to support a 93458. It doesn't specify whether the aortic valve was crossed and it also doesn't mention the coronary findings.

Lets say the aortic valve was crossed over. Would you code RT & LT Heart Cath or would you break up (what would your coding be).

Thanks for your help. I am just trying to cypher through bits & pieces of cardio at a time as I am very much in the early stages of learning this field and appreciate seasoned coders input.
I agree that there is not enough info in this report. Certainly not a right & left heart cath, only the left with coronary angio & lvgram at most.
C Collison CPPM, CCC

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C Collison,
would you be so kind to share your codes which you would use to reflect your last post so that I can look up & read.

Thanks for your help
I would report 93458 for a left heart cath. You need to cross the aortic valve in order to do a left ventriculography.