Wiki hearing loss low or minimal morbidity?


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
According to my CPMA study guide, if an illness has a low risk of morbidity without treatment, it qualifies as low risk in the same way it would for low risk of tests and treatment.
So, would sensorineural hearing loss be considered minimal or low risk?
You are not presenting any information regarding risk of complications and/or morbidity or mortality of patient management in your question, if that is what you are asking.
I believe you may be incorrectly intertwining the risk of the problem with the risk of the treatment.
SNHL could be minimal risk, low risk, moderate risk, or high risk depending on the treatment.
From the AMA 2021 outpatient guide:
Number and Complexity of Problems Addressed at the Encounter
One element used in selecting the level of office or other outpatient services is the number and complexity of the problems that are addressed at an encounter. Multiple new or established conditions may be addressed at the same time and may affect MDM. Symptoms may cluster around a specific diagnosis and each symptom is not necessarily a unique condition. Comorbidities/underlying diseases, in and of themselves, are not considered in selecting a level of E/M services unless they are addressed, and their presence increases the amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed and analyzed or the risk of complications and/or morbidity or mortality of patient management. The final diagnosis for a condition does not, in and of itself, determine the complexity or risk, as extensive evaluation may be required to reach the conclusion that the signs or symptoms do not represent a highly morbid condition. Therefore, presenting symptoms that are likely to represent a highly morbid condition may “drive” MDM even when the ultimate diagnosis is not highly morbid. The evaluation and/or treatment should be consistent with the likely nature of the condition. Multiple problems of a lower severity may, in the aggregate, create higher risk due to interaction.
The term “risk” as used in these definitions relates to risk from the condition. While condition risk and management risk may often correlate, the risk from the condition is distinct from the risk of the management.
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