Wiki HEALTHCON - Coronavirus

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El Paso, TX
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Hello everyone,

I will be going to HEALTHCON 2020 to be a speaker at the conference. I just have a quick question. If there is anyone here going, does anyone know if there is anything in regards prevention for coronavirus or how this could affect the conference.

AAPC has no plans to cancel, postpone, adjust or otherwise change plans for HealthCon. Other than making sure you wash your hands and cover your mouth while at such a large venue, I'm unaware of any contingencies, unless you're coming from an area where there might eventually be travel restrictions. Like Europe or Asia.
Get your flu shot, (which your more likely to get if you haven't), and if you're sick, stay home. Use universal precautions when using the bathroom and before meals. If I see someone leaving the bathroom without using soap, water, friction and time, I will call you out~ LOL!
I feel like the AAPC needs to address this issue quickly so that their members feel like they (AAPC) are on top of the situation. With cases spreading quickly and social distancing being promoted, I believe we are beyond just cover your mouth when coughing and practice good hand hygiene.
I feel like the AAPC needs to address this issue quickly so that their members feel like they (AAPC) are on top of the situation. With cases spreading quickly and social distancing being promoted, I believe we are beyond just cover your mouth when coughing and practice good hand hygiene.
I got the email too that the conference is still happening and I also agree with you with this being "practice proper hygiene" at least based on the severity of whats going on. :/
I live in Washington state, we cannot travel for 30 days and possibly longer.
Rise has postponed the Nashville confernce to June.
People wash their hands but still touch their face, open doors. Make coffee, touch their face. Um we can try to be clean but their are always ways the virus sneaks in.
Just think its best to postpone it. Health is so important than taking the risk.
Can we get an update on AAPC’s plans for the conference? Each day the coronavirus situation in the U.S. is worse. Will AAPC consider offering it’s attendees remote access option to the courses where we could stay home and attend instead of traveling???
Can we get an update on AAPC’s plans for the conference? Each day the coronavirus situation in the U.S. is worse. Will AAPC consider offering it’s attendees remote access option to the courses where we could stay home and attend instead of traveling???

My employer is restricting all business travel, I called the AAPC this morning and was told that they are not giving any kind of refund, or credit. I am simply looking for credit to attend a conference in the future. I messaged them with proof of the travel restriction, will post in here when I get a response.
Gov. Ron DeSantis declares state of emergency amid coronavirus spread in Florida. This has me really worried about the conference.
I am very concerned about attending the conference. I have attended several and you are shoulder to shoulder with other attendees in the hallways. There is no way to keep a "safe distance" from others. Good hygiene can only go so far with the number of people that attend. I'm for having remote access or to postpone until a later date.
Just received notice that the American Academy of Dermatology has cancelled their annual meeting for next week in Denver.
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I am growing more and more concerned as well. I would be interested in remote access as well or postponing until a later date. Many of us work in healthcare facilities in various states, I would not want to be infected and bring it home to infect patients and coworkers.
I'm sure someone has mentioned this..... um the folks who attend are not only from the states. AAPC has coders around the world, um have they thought about that? I believe I heard travel was closed off for a few countries to fly in to the states.
I think last minute cancellation isn't right, we should be credited especially if we are from a state that is also under state of emergency. WA now is marked 26 deaths- my county outside of Seattle here in Washington State has just been reported 6 now positive with the virus and schools closing near my area.
I know it is not easy for the AAPC staff, but they should be hearing us. We are health based coders, we need to remain healthy and strong not get infected and spread.
After a thorough examination of the widespread health risks posed by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to the American public, the NACHC 2020 Policy & Issues (P&I) Forum in Washington, D.C. has been cancelled. All registration fees (in-person and virtual) will be refunded.
On one hand, I do think AAPC is right and the overall risk of exposure - in general - is low. It's going to be difficult to find a new venue that can accommodate a group of our size to reschedule, which means we likely just wouldn't have National this year. On the other hand, it seems foolhardy to risk any exposure right now beyond what we do just living life. My employer paid for my registration so I feel like as long as conference is on, I need to be there so they don't lose the money they put in to this.

I really like the idea of a virtual conference that someone suggested in an earlier post.
I am strongly encouraging that AAPC will decide to offer a REMOTE ACCESS option for the conference courses, but they have other relatively acceptable options. They could choose to POSTPONE THE EVENT, keeping the same venue if possible, surely the venue would understand the circumstances. In the first SARS cases, the number of cases peaked during March and April and pittered out by May 1st. In fact, the venue itself should be taking proper precautions and asking questions like who am I putting at risk allowing thousands of people to travel across high risk areas and funnel into one indoor area amidst a novel disease containment period? (anyone over age 60, or who has an underlying condition like heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes) But if you don't fall into this category, most of us have parents and grandparents (colleagues, physicians, coworkers, clients, and patients) who DO. So AAPC could allow CREDITS or REFUNDS for those people who just don't feel comfortable or safe traveling, so that we could go to a future event during a time where there isn't a novel disease increasingly spreading across America. Majority response to the new coronavirus will impact our generation and future generations, in either a positive or a negative way. Doing nothing, is a statement in and of itself. It's enabling the spread of the virus.
I agree with AAPC reasoning to continue to conference, because Disney Resorts have not issued any concern. Taking universal precautions are best regardless of where you are or traveling from. I agree with "brambo" in the offering of live video conferencing options for the conference. Today's technology can accommodate large audience via video, like a Ted Talk platform; a live not after the conference.
Not everyone is young and at low risk. AAPC is putting money ahead of common sense and the health of its members and their families and the public. The attitude of hell or high water, no credits or refunds, AAPC is going forward no matter what, is foolish and inconsistent with recommendations from every state and national agency including CDC.
Not everyone is young and at low risk. AAPC is putting money ahead of common sense and the health of its members and their families and the public. The attitude of hell or high water, no credits or refunds, AAPC is going forward no matter what, is foolish and inconsistent with recommendations from every state and national agency including CDC.
I completely agree it is completely irresponsible of them to move forward with this event. If they insist on going forward with the event then they should offer to watch it LIVE so you can still have some interaction.
I agree that AAPC should issue a new statement about refunds for the Conference, a statement to the Hotel for us to obtain a refund on paid for rooms, and a statement for our Airline Travel to obtain refunds or exchanges for other Conferences this year or travel - after this threat is contained and cleared, open, ready for business as usual --The outbreak is now labeled as a Pandemic. My co-worker who was originally going to attend, has cancelled. I have not
cancelled yet but I don't feel waiting till the 12th hour is appropriate either. By tomorrow (Conference is only a few weeks away) AAPC should make a decision which is in the best interests and health of its loyal members nationwide.
I'm concerned about the hostility toward AAPC I'm starting to sense on this thread. Can we give leadership some benefit of the doubt? I feel like they're making the best decisions they can with the information available to them at any given time. It's no small undertaking to cancel a conference of this size and the AAPC staff is going to be just as affected (or hopefully not) by their attendance, just as members are.

This appears to have been posted late yesterday on the Healthcon page:
Earlier today, and as expected, the World Health Organization upgraded COVID-19 to a pandemic. Since the safety and wellbeing of AAPC members, employees, speakers and partners remains a high priority, we are working with health officials and Disney to assess what this change in status means for HEALTHCON 2020.
Beyond spread, the degree to which a pandemic is defined remains ambiguous (according to the severity of the disease, or whether it may be simply described as often producing many illnesses and deaths.)
We will continue to provide you with more information as it becomes available. For now, we thank you for your continued support and patience.

Clearly, AAPC is revisiting the issue as more information comes out.
I had not logged in to this post since Sunday and I didnt realize the number of posts on this thread now. I am a little relief that i am not the only concerned. I am thinking for me this will be a no go, unfortunately I am one of the speakers but just like someone said, I work in a hospital and to exposed me for a virus and then bring it back, especially being a childrens hospital with chemo patients. All events from different organizations are being cancel and i think this has to happened here as well, instead of taking the risk of affecting more people.

They will be posting updates here.

I don't think it is hostility that you are sensing.... I think it is concern. Many major events including the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons have already cancelled their events that were going to be held in Florida. I think we all understand the importance of financial responsibility; however, we all have loved ones that we may also be concerned about protecting from exposure. As a nation many are already practicing social isolation to help stop the spread of this hideous virus and I think it is warranted that the AAPC members should be just as concerned and are able to freely express their opinions.
I don't think it is hostility that you are sensing.... I think it is concern. Many major events including the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons have already cancelled their events that were going to be held in Florida. I think we all understand the importance of financial responsibility; however, we all have loved ones that we may also be concerned about protecting from exposure. As a nation many are already practicing social isolation to help stop the spread of this hideous virus and I think it is warranted that the AAPC members should be just as concerned and are able to freely express their opinions.
You are completely right, great way of saying it. Let's see what the response will be within the next days.
Mchaney, I hope that is the case and I'm not saying people shouldn't express their opinions by any stretch of the imagination. Of course they should. I just don't think it's constructive when we start veering into what feels like bashing the organization. I am just as concerned as the next person - our governor just shut down all schools in the state for three weeks starting Monday.
I'm sure someone has mentioned this..... um the folks who attend are not only from the states. AAPC has coders around the world, um have they thought about that? I believe I heard travel was closed off for a few countries to fly in to the states.
I think last minute cancellation isn't right, we should be credited especially if we are from a state that is also under state of emergency. WA now is marked 26 deaths- my county outside of Seattle here in Washington State has just been reported 6 now positive with the virus and schools closing near my area.
I know it is not easy for the AAPC staff, but they should be hearing us. We are health based coders, we need to remain healthy and strong not get infected and spread.
Todays update states international members from hot spots like China Wil not be able to attend. Just keeping an eye on how it goes.
I agree with AAPC reasoning to continue to conference, because Disney Resorts have not issued any concern. Taking universal precautions are best regardless of where you are or traveling from. I agree with "brambo" in the offering of live video conferencing options for the conference. Today's technology can accommodate large audience via video, like a Ted Talk platform; a live not after the conference.
Disney (Florida) is officially closing beginning Sunday.
Disneyland and Disney World announced today CLOSURES of the parks and urged domestic employees at Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Television, and ESPN to work from home. Hmm ... no concerns? The R0 value for this virus is estimated to be around 3, which means that each infection causes more than one new infection. So one person, symptomatic or not, infects at least 3 people, those 3 people infect 3 people, those 9 people infect 3 people each and we are quickly up to 27 people infected. If spreads person-to-person through respiratory droplets. Even if you wash your hands all day long, that is not going to help much. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. The droplets floating in the air can land in your eyes, mouth while you are sitting in a crowded room with your clean hands. Distancing is really the best way to reduce the risk of you getting infected and spreading the virus to others who may be more vulnerable than you. Disney did the smart and prudent thing by closing to keep its employees and visitors safe. And if you haven't been watching the news in the last 24 or so hours, NBA, NCAA basketball tournaments, major league baseball, NHL, PGA Tour, college football, XFL, soccer, horse racing, and it goes on of those which cancelled or suspended their season. Don't get me wrong, I was really looking forward to HealthCon and Disney, but this is no time to act ignorant about the risks this virus can pose. AAPC needs to step up to the plate and cancel HealthCon for this year.
Disneyland and Disney World announced today CLOSURES of the parks and urged domestic employees at Walt Disney Studios, Walt Disney Television, and ESPN to work from home. Hmm ... no concerns? The R0 value for this virus is estimated to be around 3, which means that each infection causes more than one new infection. So one person, symptomatic or not, infects at least 3 people, those 3 people infect 3 people, those 9 people infect 3 people each and we are quickly up to 27 people infected. If spreads person-to-person through respiratory droplets. Even if you wash your hands all day long, that is not going to help much. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. The droplets floating in the air can land in your eyes, mouth while you are sitting in a crowded room with your clean hands. Distancing is really the best way to reduce the risk of you getting infected and spreading the virus to others who may be more vulnerable than you. Disney did the smart and prudent thing by closing to keep its employees and visitors safe. And if you haven't been watching the news in the last 24 or so hours, NBA, NCAA basketball tournaments, major league baseball, NHL, PGA Tour, college football, XFL, soccer, horse racing, and it goes on of those which cancelled or suspended their season. Don't get me wrong, I was really looking forward to HealthCon and Disney, but this is no time to act ignorant about the risks this virus can pose. AAPC needs to step up to the plate and cancel HealthCon for this year.
I completely agree with you, if there is a way to postpone this, then they have to make the decision now. This is no longer about having an education session, but about the risk this conference can represent to all of their members.
I live in Washington state, we cannot travel for 30 days and possibly longer.
Rise has postponed the Nashville confernce to June.
People wash their hands but still touch their face, open doors. Make coffee, touch their face. Um we can try to be clean but their are always ways the virus sneaks in.
Just think its best to postpone it. Health is so important than taking the risk.
Totally agree!
I completely agree with you, if there is a way to postpone this, then they have to make the decision now. This is no longer about having an education session, but about the risk this conference can represent to all of their members.
Yes, I agree with Munzueta!
We'd like to thank you all for waiting patiently as we’ve been working through some tough decisions related to HEALTHCON 2020. As you can imagine, this situation is unprecedented and we needed the time to explore all options to ensure your safety.

With the majority of you asking us to continue moving forward with the event at Disney’s Coronado Springs, we wanted to thoughtfully evaluate the options for the conference and ensure we did not make any irreversible decisions too quickly. We have sought counsel from the CDC, the WHO, the State of Florida, Disney and AAPC’s National Advisory Board. Regretfully, with only three weeks left, it is time that we move in a different direction.

HEALTHCON 2020 will now be a virtual event, streamed live from April 5-8.

There is no need to contact us at this time regarding your registration. We plan to provide you with full details and answer all of your questions with an official announcement on Monday at 5 pm EST/4 pm CST/ 3 pm MST/2 pm PST.

Thank you again for all of your support and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented situation.
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