Wiki Healing Fractures


Dayton, PA
Best answers

I need some help!

I have a patient who on 12/31/14 fractured their scapula - I coded the fracture with fracture care.

Then they had a Follow up in Jan 4, 2015.

Then in late Jan 2015 they were in the hospital for a fractured hip, our doctor saw them in the hospital as a consult, non-operative treatment.

Then they came to the office in March 2015 for a follow up for the hip fracture. The diagnosis was healing hip fracture.

My question is should I have coded that hip fracture w/fracture care or coded a V54.13 with a straight E/M code?

Any help would be appreciated. :confused:

Thank you,
If the fracture is considered healing the yes apply the V code for the follow up of the shoulder jan 4 and the follow up of the hip in March.
I think it was ok to code the hip as fracture care, but should have added a 79 modifier since they were already in a global for the scapula fracture care.
It is documented as a healing fx with no direct fracture treatment. So there will be nomdocumentation to support fracture care with an acute fracture.
Thanks for the information, fracture care gets me confused some times. To this is very much appreciated.

Again, Thank you and Have an Amazing Day! :)
