Wiki HCPCS Codes


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Hi Can anyone tell me what the headers mean on the addendum E Proposed HCPCs Codes that would be paid only as inpatient Procedures, there is a heading which says SI which means Status Indicator and the list has a letter C under that for each code. I need to know what the letter C indicates. Also, does anyone know if there is any other documentation out there as codes that are only recognized as being eligible as inpatient procedures?

Thank You!
Status indicators are for outpatient facility billing, they communicate how a particular procedure or service will be treated for reimbursement under OPPS. A C indicates an inpatient procedure that is not reimbursable under OPPS, which means if it is performed in the outpatient setting, the facility will not be reimbursed. There may be a list of inpatient only procedures available thru your payer.