Wiki HCC coding - Peripheral Neuropath

New Milford, NJ
Best answers
I am kind of new with HCC dx codes.

Please help me with this two diagnosis.
1. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropath
2. stage 5 CKD with HTN, dialysis dependent.

Thank you so much.
P:S. if anyone has any helpful tools to code HCC, please share.
my email is

Thanks again.
I do not want to give you the actual answers because doing so will not help you learn (not trying to sound mean). Start with your icd 9 guidelines in the front of your book. Locate HTN w/ CKD and go from there. Also you will see additional instructions under the actual code telling you what to report in addition to the main code. (this applies to your diab neuro code as well...)

I think you will learn it better this way than someone simply supplying you with the answers. Good luck :)

I am kind of new with HCC dx codes.

Please help me with this two diagnosis.
1. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropath
2. stage 5 CKD with HTN, dialysis dependent.

Thank you so much.
P:S. if anyone has any helpful tools to code HCC, please share.
my email is

Thanks again.

CMS has the risk models on their website.
This one has the ICD10 codes, if you search, leave the decimal point off.

This one has more in depth information, this may answer your questions.