Wiki Has anyone taken the Certification exam recently?


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I am taking the cert exam in 2 weeks... just wondered if there were any suggestions from recent test takers. I have coded ophth for 5 years.

Hi, this is uday

Last Jan i completed CPC, Its really very easy but time management is important you have practice hard questions then your exam its very easy to complete exam quick and successfully.

Thanks and Regards
If CPC exam is what you're asking about

I took it late April. A vast majority was CPT codes, a couple guideline questions, about a dozen E/M codes, less than 10 DX codes, 2 billing questions. I did flip to the easiest questions first, a tip I read on the AAPC website. I think I would have finished without wildly guessing the dozen problems left if I hadn't looked up the answer codes instead of coding the procedure/dx. Some people were turned away for lack of space, so I would arrive early.
I took it March 26th. I passed my first try with an 82. I made sure on two occasions prior to the test I set up three different 50 question practice exams that I took back to back so I was taking a full 150 question within the 5 hours and 40 mins. This helps in knowing what the real test will feel like time wise, and helping you identify a rhythm you can set for yourself. It helped me to know if I needed restroom breaks during the exam, snacks and in general what that marathon question time frame would feel like so I could plan appropriately.

You can take restroom breaks or eat quiet snacks, but you must do all this within 5 hours and 40 minutes. I found out I needed to take ibuprofen before the exam because sitting there that long without getting up to move bothered my back. This method should also help with your confidence in finishing within your time allotted. Your goal should be able to get close to 85% during these practice exams.