Wiki Happy coders day in florida!

Happy Coders Day!

Isn't it great to have something to celebrate besides paying taxes on April 15th! Happy Coders Day to you too! Thanks for remembering and for giving us another reason to smile today!:)
Now there's three of us that know about Fl Coder's Day! I think more of the coders should take time to celebrate our career and the fact that we have an official proclamation to support our efforts!
Elizabeth Monique Spencer Senior Coding Analyst CPC-H

Happy coder's day to all coders in sunny florida!!!!!
Just Florida??

Boo hoo....guess the other 49 states better get crackin'! :)

Also ironic that it comes the day after a birthday celebration - HIPAA turned 10 yesterday. How many threw a big birthday bash?? :rolleyes:
Happy Florida Coder's Day, then...yipee!
Who knew and why aren't we promoting this a bit more. I wonder if the local chapters are aware. Incedently, where is the list of important medical coder dates?