Wiki Hand Surgery, help please!


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Can anyone help me code this surgery? Please see the op note below. I don't know what to use for all the explorations he did. I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance for any help!

Procedure Performed :
Exploration of left hand, irrigation debridement of ring finger and long finger, exploration of tendon sheaths of long finger and ring finger, exploration of all compartments, exploration of carpal tunnel, exploration of dorsal compartments of the hand

Procedure in detail:
The patient was identified and brought to the operating room. After general anesthesia was induced the left hand was examined. It was noted that there was complete necrosis of the skin around the base of the long finger and into the web spaces between the long finger and ring finger and long finger and index finger. At this point the hand was prepped and draped in the standard fashion and a thorough debridement was carried out. There was noted to be significant amounts of pus in the web spaces. Zigzag incisions were made up the ring finger and long finger and the tendon sheaths were opened. There was no pus found within the flexor tendon sheaths. Thorough debridement for. Out in the web spaces. Incisions were made on the dorsal side of the hand to expose spaces dorsally in line with the second and third web spaces. No pus was found in the dorsal compartments. There was noted to be significant pus from the palm of the hand and the wound edges were debrided and the incision was extended proximally to the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel was opened and no pus was identified within the carpal tunnel. The remainder of the palm was then irrigated and debrided extensively. There was exposed neurovascular bundle and exposed tendon sheaths. The incisions that were made were loosely approximated and a wet to dry dressing was placed in the palm of the hand. The patient was then taken to recovery room in stable condition.