Wiki H&P non global


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Trying to understand if the H&P is billable.. starting to code for inpatient

Patient saw cardiologist on 12/18/2018 for cardiac clearance before having and inguinal hernia surgery and dental extraction, on visit had an abnormal lexiscan .. Cardiologist recommend he have a heart catherization done since he has past history of CABG.

Patient is schedule for a heart cath and same cardiologist does the an H&P and heart cath on 01/10/2019 .. I don't see a global period for heart cart 93459 ..

Please help, is H&P billable and if so, is it and inpatient code 99221-99223 or 99211-99215 ..

confused :confused:
The first visit doesn't count as part of the global package for the cath, because that wasn't the reason for the visit. Yes, he was having a cardiac evaluation, but it wasn't for a cardiac procedure. Someone who is more experienced with IP coding might want to chime in here, but I would imagine the global period for the cath wouldn't begin until that specific problem was being evaluated.

Having said that, the H&P done the same day as the cath surgery is not separately billable. All procedure codes have a basic H&P built in, as you have to check the patient is okay for the procedure on that day.