Wiki Gyn just looked through laparoscope during as requested by general surgeon

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How do I bill if or if anything should be billed?

OBGYN was called into the OR at the request of a general surgeon who was doing a hernial repair and he thought there was something that a GYN should look at through the laparoscope. She scrubbed in and took a look (he had had the scope etc. done.)

How do I bill for this? GYN stated she did nothing but look. Diagnosis was endometriosis.

Thank you,
I hope this would work out:

49320- laparoscopic evaluation- diagnostic ( for gynaecologistseparately0 with endometriosis diagnosis 617.x or 617.9 if site not specified by gynecologist
Thank you for your response.
However, the GYN didn't insert the laparoscope, can I still use 49320? Do I need a modifier as well, if so which modifier (62)?
Hi that is a very smart question. well, what the OBGYN did amounts to diagnostic laparo, while the surgeon did the surgical procedure of tha lap. So the code itself differs.
So, I think the Mod" -62" question does not arise. But I feel you may have to give mod -52 if the payer do not agree to the full fledged code.
[ In my openion even if the OBGYN did not place the laparoscopy, the work of diagnostic part is all that is important here. So I feel the OBGYN merits for the full code of 49320 herself.].Let us see what some experts say about this!