Wiki Guidelines for hypertensive cerebrovascular disease


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In icd-9-cm guidelines -- I.C.7.a.5 -- Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease, it states to first assign codes from 430-438, then the appropriate code from categories 401-405, but in category 401 within the excludes list, it says "that invlolving vessels of - brain (430-438).

I remember reading that chapter specific guidelines take precedence over regular guidelines. Am I correct? And if so, does that mean do not use category 401 with categories 430-438?


I think all it is saying is to not code 401.x FIRST

Under the heading for "Cerebrovascular Disease," ICD-9 specifically requires you to use an additional code "to identify presence of hypertension."
In icd-9-cm guidelines -- I.C.7.a.5 -- Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease, it states to first assign codes from 430-438, then the appropriate code from categories 401-405, but in category 401 within the excludes list, it says "that invlolving vessels of - brain (430-438).

I remember reading that chapter specific guidelines take precedence over regular guidelines. Am I correct? And if so, does that mean do not use category 401 with categories 430-438?



What you need to remember in ICD-9 CM an excludes note means either one of two things, it may mean you can never code those two together OR it means that the code you are looking at (401.- in this case) does not include the listed condition and they must be coded in addition. It is very confusing sometimes. One of the many reasons ICD-10 CM is so much easier!:)