Wiki Guidance for Chemodenervation


Golden Valley, MN
Best answers
We have received rejects from almost all insurances when we are billing 95874 with multiple units. One of our physicians new to our practice stated he always billed 95874 w/multiple units However, I believe code 95874 should be reported once per chemodenervation procedure session (i.e. 64612/50 and 95874). Any feedback is greatly appreciated? (We are thinking of trying it on multiple line items with 59 modifer?)
Since you asked for "any" feedback; when we billed for chemodenervation procedures we only used one unit of the 95874 and had no problems with payment. Never tried it with multiple units, but seem to remember a document stating that only one would be allowed. Unfortunately, I do not remember the source document. Hopefully, others will post with the information you seek.
We've also only billed 95874 as one unit. I know this was discussed in an AAN webinar earlier this year--they confirmed to bill only one unit of guidance per session-- but I can't pull up the info right now because it requires member access. If any of your providers are members of the AAN or AANEM, you should be able to search 95874 on their websites to get to the information.

Hope this helps!