Wiki GS Billing for Ultrasound Guidance?


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Can a gs bill for the global component of ultrasound guidance if the ultrasound is his own equipment and he is doing it and reading it? Our gs's work for the hospital and work in the outpatient and hospital setting. thanks for the help. :)
Is the ultrasound being done while he is doing a procedure at the hospital? Does he own the sono machine at the hospital? If it is done during a procedure then it would be billed with a 26 modifier if he doesn't own the equipment and the hospital would bill with a TC modifier. If the sono guidance is done in the physicians office and he owns the equipment then no modifier is needed.
that is exactly what i have said but in the office we have someone who is saying his license has to allow for it. b/c it is not his speciality he can't read it. i see it the way you wrote it. someone please expand on the license part of it. thanks so much.
I wanted to put this out there again. Now our dr is getting paid for using his own US for needle guidance in office and in a procedure. Is it okay for a GS to bill for the US if he owns the equipment instead of using the hospital US? Sorry if this sounds confusing, it is. :)