Wiki Group B Neonatal Sepis Code?

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Anyone have an ICD code for "Group B, neonatal sepsis?"
All I have found is the newborn sepsis, but it wants a secondary code to identify the organism, which I don't have. There were no lab tests done to confirm the presence of any organism; the only other dx I have is the "Group B" but I don't know if that is a streptococcal or what.
I would code it as 771.81 and 041.02.

When my son got Group B at birth, it was coded as 038, but it specifically says that it excludes newborn sepsis in the ICD-9 book, so I guess the hospital coded it wrong...
Are you assuming the Group B is the strep form that newborns contract from their mothers? The documentation does NOT specify what the Group B is. I assumed the same thing, but I don't like to assume anything. THanks.
You're right, I did assume which was incorrect based on my comments and I apologize. None-the-less, 771.81 is newborn sepsis, that would be gathered by your documentation of neonatal, and 041.02 only indicates that it was caused by Group B strep. Neither of these would indicate where the infection was contracted.