Wiki Going rate for Medical Biller/CPC part time


Alpharetta, GA
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I recieved a phone call from someone today asking if I was interested in doing some medical billing on the side and what would I charge. I am a CPC with 20 yrs experience in medical billing, coding and management. I have always worked in a medical physicians office and have no idea what to tell them I would charge. Is there anyone that can lead me in the right direction, this is something that I have wanted to get started and just recieved the call out of the blue. I am so excited since I just passed my certification for CPC 3 wks ago and I know my future is falling into my lap to get this all started. Thank you for any suggestions. :)
I would suggest that you start with the AAPC Salary Survey. This will give you an idea of what people in your area are making based on experience/education. Taking that into account look at what you are making now (or what you made at your last position) and come up with a range that you would accept. Be prepared to give your reasoning for your desired pay scale (eg. base on salary surveys this is the average wage for coders with this amount of experience etc.). Then...Good Luck!
I think a lot of it depends on location. What I would charge in Utah might not be what you would charge where you are at. Some people do an hourly rate while others do a percentage of collections. Good luck!