Wiki Going back to IVR Coding


Jacksonville, FL
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I usually do Congenital Heart Caths Only, I just want someone to refresh my memory a bit. When Coding a L/R Heart Cath (93530-93533) and the doctor Also does a Venogram 75827/75825 (IVC/SVC) is this separately Billable?? Or does there have to be a different Diagnosis in order to bill 75827/75825? Im not sure if you can use -59 on the Venograms. Don't want to unbundle.

Thank You for your responses in Advance! ;)
This is a cci. If the venogram is truly diagnostic then you can add mod 59. If it is being done as mapping/viewing to see where to place the cath then no.
Thank You!!!:D Thats what i was thinking because for congential Heart Defects the IVR Doctor looks at the IVC/SVC in some cases but not all. Depending on the Heart Defect to see how the Venous System is functioning