Wiki GLOBAL PERIODS!! help!!

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I need to know where I can find a list of every procedure from the CPT book and it's global period because it helps me determine when a separate E/M is reportable.
Hi KaitlynEFitch,

I'm a general surgery coder; I'm not sure of any specific site but I have used, General Surgery Coding Companion (manual), and Encoder Pro Expert (online subscription)to help me determine global periods. The general rule that I have followed depends on major or minor procedure. Major procedures have 90-day global periods where as minor procedures have 0-10 day global periods. If you have the resources, I would suggest investing in both Encoder Pro Expert and Coding Companion; these tools will make your life as a coder much easier.

Hope this helps.

Have a GREAT day and Happy Coding!
Hi KaitlynEFitch,

I'm a general surgery coder; I'm not sure of any specific site but I have used, General Surgery Coding Companion (manual), and Encoder Pro Expert (online subscription)to help me determine global periods. The general rule that I have followed depends on major or minor procedure. Major procedures have 90-day global periods where as minor procedures have 0-10 day global periods. If you have the resources, I would suggest investing in both Encoder Pro Expert and Coding Companion; these tools will make your life as a coder much easier.

Hope this helps.

Have a GREAT day and Happy Coding!

I agree with fwilliams. Other resources available that show the global periods are the CMS RVU file, and if your office has any Ingenix Coding Companions, they include global period info on each procedure. Also check with your MAC; they sometimes put together documents with global periods and other surgery modifier indicators.

Hope this helps!
Most cpt books include global info

Most of the standard CPT books have the global days attached to each procedure code??

Also, I don't know what billing system you are using?? But most have options to attach to procedure codes such as global days. We use Greenway and I can input a procedure code and manually attach the global days so anytime that code is used it attaches a flag to the pt's chart stating she is still within the global period until the time is done then the flag is no longer on the chart.