Wiki Global Period

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We use physicians from another facility, but are our own hospital. When a provider does a procedure at the other facility, then does the post-op care during the global period at OUR facility, do we bill as an E/M or as Global??
There is a 90 days post op, global period. However, you can bill for xrays if warranted. If an additional office procedure non related surgery needs to be done, it can be billed with a modifier. Hope this helps.
What I want to know is if I can bill for regular global visits since the procedure was done at another facility, otherwise our facility is losing out on the facility fee portion. It is the same physician, different facility. This has me so puzzled.
What I want to know is if I can bill for regular global visits since the procedure was done at another facility, otherwise our facility is losing out on the facility fee portion. It is the same physician, different facility. This has me so puzzled.

If you mean office visits related to the post op care, I don't believe you can bill an additional office visit since it is the same physician. I don't know about billing a facility fee.