Wiki global period


East Providence, RI
Best answers
If a patient has a surgery and comes into office few days after surgery for a complication with the drain that was placed during the surgery because it is not working properly, and it is removed, is that billable with a diagnosis of complication of implant/graft 996.59?
There are many sources out there including the insurance direct website that will explain to you the matter on this subject.

The problem is directly related to the procedure performed, therfore it is considered part of the global package. If the patient is returned to suregery for colostomy revision or complete takedown, there is a new and significant problem and is billable. So in short, NO. It is not a billable viist.
You have not given enough information to get a correct answer for your question. What procedure was done and what was the global period? Was it removed in the offfice on the return visit? Was it removed surgically? Please give more info.