Wiki Global Period


Atwater, OH
Best answers
Hello all...

I am causing myself some confusion and cannot find a straight answer on Medicare's website regarding the global period. My question is, does only the Physician who performed the surgery fall under the global guidelines or does his group as a whole? If we have another provider in our group see a patient during the 10 day global period for a follow up, say to renew a prescription unrelated to the surgery, is that still considered an E&M in the global period? Same for a patient who has just had an intrathecal pump implanted....if they are in the trial period, have come in within the 10 day global period and have the pump refilled or reprogrammed by another physician in the practice, can we bill, or is it considered global? I am aware of the 24 modifier, but that is for the same physician who performed the in this case it would not apply.

Any input would be greatly appreciated....