Wiki Global period help


Fallbrook, CA
Best answers
I have asked this question in the past with different answers I'm still confused.
We do biopsies in our office. Some of them have 10day global period. What is the actual time frame. Is it from the day it was DONE or starting from the day AFTER the procedure? Can someone please help. Most of our patients have copay's. So we don't know if they should be paying copay's or not depending on the global time. Or it the doctors are able to charge an office visit. So if a patient had a biopsy 7/2/13 what would his ending global day be 7/11(this would be from the day OF procedure) or 7/12 (this would be from the day AFTER procedure.). Sorry if confusing. Please if anybody can help. Thanks
I have asked this question in the past with different answers I'm still confused.
We do biopsies in our office. Some of them have 10day global period. What is the actual time frame. Is it from the day it was DONE or starting from the day AFTER the procedure? Can someone please help. Most of our patients have copay's. So we don't know if they should be paying copay's or not depending on the global time. Or it the doctors are able to charge an office visit. So if a patient had a biopsy 7/2/13 what would his ending global day be 7/11(this would be from the day OF procedure) or 7/12 (this would be from the day AFTER procedure.). Sorry if confusing. Please if anybody can help. Thanks

It would be 7/12
7/12 would be correct. The day of the procedure is considered "day zero", the day after is day one, and in your example 7/12 would be day 10. The soonest someone would be able to bill a visit related to the biopsy would be 7/13. Keep in mind any visits that are unrelated can be reported with modifier -24.