Wiki Global Period - complication to the surgery


Delaware, OH
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Hello -

Quick question. During the post op global period on a procedure... I have a provider who is NOT the surgeon treating a complication to the surgery. Patient had a repair to the knee. Procedure performed had 10 day global. 2 days later, patient goes to another provier due to complications at surgical site. Patient developed infection and needed antibiotics.

Is this separately payable since the surgeon is not providing these services?

Is global really just for anything the surgeon does or is it for all providers who try to treat during the global period of a procdure?

I read articles and some of them seem like the global period is just in reference to the surgeon and others I read seem like the global period applies to all providers who want to see the patient during a global period.

If the second provider is in the same group practice and of the same specialty then he cannot charge for the f/u. If the patient went to another doctor who is not affiliated with the surgeon then the second doctor can charge for the visit unless it's a coverage arrangement (i.e. Dr. A and Dr. B are not in the same group but routinely cover for each other when one is not available) then the covering doctor would bill as if (s)he was the treating doc.