Wiki Global OB


So Bend, IN
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I am new to OB billing. We have on OB/Gyn in our practice. She has another physician that is not affiliated with our practice that covers for her. She has done all the antepartum care but the other doctor who is not affiliated with us did the delivery. I know we should not bill global but my physician is insisting that this is ok. How do I handle this? Is she right in saying that?
This will depend on the payer. Usually, if you are billing for ante-partum care only, you would bill 59425 for 4-6 visits, and 59426 for 7 or greater visits. The delivery would be billed separately, with the appropriate delivery code.

We had a contract with the hospitalist group that worked for the hospital. They were the "on-call doctors" that did the after hour deliveries. For all of the companies except medicaid/medicaid hmos we billed the global codes and reimbursed the hospitalist per our contract with them. They didn't bill their services separately except in the case of Medicaid patients.
So your first step is to contact the other doctor (or ask your doctor) if he/she is billing anything separately. If they are billing for their own services then, no, you would not bill globally.