Wiki global modifiers derm


Mountain View , CA
Best answers
pt is coming in to office for unrelated procedure during global period post flap repair. billing for cryosurgery and biopsy. would I need to add 79 modifier to add on codes? I would think not since it's billed in conjunction to primary code- unclear on whether or not to since it is still a separate line item. I don't usually code for derm-however, I have seen denials before on other procedures for not having modifiers on an add-on so wanted to be sure. any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

17000, 79
+17003 (79?)
11100, 59, 79
+11101 (79?)
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lol.... Generally we've had to submit the modifier even on the add-on codes during global periods to get them paid. Generally, any related CPT codes submitted by the same group of providers during a global period will always be denied without a modifier designation showing its a different problem or procedure that is unrelated in the global period.