Wiki Global Maternity


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Hi, we are having a debate in our office regarding global maternity billing-we have had several patients deliver lately very early @ 27 weeks & then another at 33 weeks-our physcians have provided all of the prenatal care up to delivery-can we still bill the global fee or should the prenatals ,delivery &
post partum be billed seperately ?--Any thoughts on this would be much
Global Codes

The global codes 59400 & 59510 includes the prenatal office visits, the delivery and the postpartum codes. So if you did all of these you would bill a global code with the preterm delivery diagnosis. The only time you would not bill global would be with an insurance change during the pregnancy or if the patient transferred her care to you from another practice or transferred from your practice. In other words, if you didn't do all three areas of care. If you bill 4-6 or 7 or more antenatal visits then bill the delivery & pp code to one insurance company they are going to deny the antepartum visit codes as inclusive to the delivery code so to be fully compensated you'd end up having to do a corrected claim and change the delivery/pp code to the global code.
The only time you have to worry about "how many antepartum visits" is when you are not able to bill the total global package.

Sherry Dudley, CPC