Wiki Global CS w/ supracervical


Iaeger, WV
Best answers
This involves two providers of the same practice:

Patient establishes desire not to have blood transfusions before being taken in to have a C-section with possible placental accrete. C-section is completed but Provider A who sees abnormal placental adhesions (I think that was what the report said) and calls in Provider B for intraoperative consult and options are discussed with patient. Supracervical hysterectomy is agreed upon. Provider B scrubs in and assists in this procedure.

I bill 59510 and 59525 for Provider A. On a separate claim I bill the add-on code 59525 with an 80 for Provider B? My specialty book says 80 is acceptable, but I had never submitted a mod on an add-on code before and it seemed strange.

With the patient's conviction against blood transfusions in the event of accreta if Providers did nothing, is the abnormal adhesions with the Z53.1 procedure not carried out d/t pressure… enough to support the supracervical?
Hi, so Provider B did not assist with the c-sec, only the hysterectomy? There is no issue with mod 80 on an add on, if a code allows it; however, you will not have a primary code with it, so just know that it will be denied and you will have to appeal. Alternatively you can bill 58180-80, even though it doesn't match the primary but you will likely also have to appeal. As far as the dx, unsure but placenta adhesions is essentially placenta accreta, I would think yes.