Wiki Global Critical Care Post-Op Visits


Jacksonville, FL
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We have a Thoracic Surgeon who does Surgery then the ICU Doctors which are under the same Tax ID # And Same Group (Different Specialty) Perform Post-Op Care. Are all the ICU Post-Op Care visits included in the Surgical Package? Or can we charge follow-up days??? I NEED actual CMS Guidelines to help me out. We are having a Huge Debate.

Thank You
Only the surgeon

Global days apply ONLY to the surgeon who performed the procedure (and any partners in the same practice and same specialty).

Physicians from a different practice, or in the same practice but with a different specialty, may bill for the medically necessary services they provide to the patient in the surgeon's post-operative period.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Hi, Tessa - can you please point me in the direction of the source of this guideline? We are having the same quandary with our ICU intensivists providing post-op care. Thank you!!