Wiki Global & c-section assist confusion

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What is the proper coding for the following: Dr. X saw the patient for all of the antepartum care. Dr. Y (who is brand new to our clinic) performed a c-section on the patient, and Dr. X was the assistant surgeon.

These docs are both in the same clinic, billed under the same tax ID#. Since this is the case, I don't think splitting it into separate CPTs (antepartum care; delivery; postpartum care) is appropriate. But on the other hand it doesn't seem correct to bill a global charge for the primary surgeon since they did not do the antepartum care.

What is the correct way to bill out this situation?
The antepartum care and the surgery ast is billed to Dr. X,
The csection only is billed to Dr. Y
Postpartum is billed to whoever does the visit.