Wiki global billing


Hayden, ID
Best answers
Can you bill a subsequent visit within the global period if the patient will not be able to recover from the injury or would this still be part of the surgical care and billed as a global?

example- pt had a brain surgery on 4/29/2022 and was seen on 4/30/2022 and the decision was made to discontinue care due to irreparable injury. Would the 4/30/2022 be billable or global?
A decision to discontinue care would not be a routine part of post-operative care, in my opinion. But to determine if you can bill this or not, you'll need to look at the content of the note and decide what portions of the physician's work in that visit was post-operative care and what portion is unrelated to the surgery and if there is sufficient work to justify the use of a modifier 24 on the E/M code, then you can bill it. The approach I take it to look at the note and ask myself: if a payer audited the claim, could I submit the note and make a convincing argument in writing that the modifier was supported?