Wiki Getting ready to get certified!


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I am taking my exam in a few days, can anyone give me some good pointers or helpful hints?
Bring a watch. Don't rely on the proctor to have a clock or tell you how much time is left. This was a mistake I made and it freaked me out not knowing the time.There was a small clock on the proctor's desk but it was so small I couldn't see it from the back of the room. Lable your book this is a must! Lable the anatomy sections as well. This will help with some of the questions. If you know time is short and you still have a lot of questions left still fill in an answer even if you are guessing. Good Luck! Oh and don't worry if you come out feeling like you failed. My coworker and I both felt this way and still passed on the first try.
Know your guidelines! Some people like to start with the questions they know the answer to, but I was afraid I would miss a question. The last section of questions was the easiest for me, so if you are the least bit nervous, that is the place to start. Answer EVERY question, even if you don't know the answer, you at least have a chance of getting it correct. If time starts running short, answer the questions!!
Things that I brought were ear plugs, my books all tabbed with notes in the appropriate areas, extra pencils and a sharpener, extra eraser a watch for time. Water and trail mix.

Knowing the guidelines are essential! Good luck.
Avery brand NoteTabs are good. They are repositionable and come in various sizes, depending on what you want to label. They come in many colors, so you can place them by color to differentiate one section from another.
Use the thicker tabs, vs the thin flags. The thing flags curl under. I also used a sharpie to name each tab i.e CARDIO, MED ect.

I tabbed each section of the CPT separately, along with any appendices and also the modifier tables.

In the ICD 9 I tabbed the neoplasm table, the drugs and chemical table and I think also adverse effects.
haha guys! I didn't mean what brand, but it did come across as that, I meant to ask what did you tab in the manual. Were they just tabs to get you to different sections quicker? :D