Wiki Gestational Diabetics


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I was wondering if there is a difference in coding if the patient is treated with medication during pregnancy for diabetes. My doctor seems to believe that if medication is required then the patient probably had an undiagnosed condition prior to pregnancy. She also states that "gestational" diabetic can not be diagnosed before 24 weeks. Is the correct code 648.03 if the patient is treated with medication? Thanks!!!
Gestational Diabetes

How far along is the patient? And yes, most women wont get gestational diabetes until after the 20th week of pregnancy. Do you know if the patient was on medication before the pregnancy? If so, then I am assuming you mean she had diabetes before pregnancy? If the diabetes is pre-existing then you would code 648.0x with an additional code for the type of diabetes in category 250. If the patient does in fact have gestational diabetes then you would code only 648.8x.
I hope I was helpful. :)