Wiki General Surgeons billing for path services?


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We are a surgical practice. We had a pathology company contact us recently. They want us to use their pathology company instead of the hospital/ASC. They would come to the Hospital and/or ASC and pick up the specimen(s). Their own coder would assign a CPT code which would be given to us. They would expect us to bill the codes and recive the reimbursement. They would bill us directly. This sounds a little strange and I would assume there would be issues with our insurance companies allowing us to do this since we are contracting the services, not performing them directly. I also assume that teh hospital/ASC would not want us to outsource these services. Anybody heard of this? Anybody doing this? Can you bill for services you do not perfrom directly or suprivise directly?

Any information would be great!

Anna Barnes, CPC, CEMC