Hi Sugar joe
Yes document description of rectum procedure done on each patient. List the lubricant, insertion, what notice and why did the anoscopy or proctosigmoidscopy need to be completed. This can be done in office in a few minutes. Also get pt sign consent for this procedure. If ofifce visit for another med problem like chronic DM or CHKD or new problem rash or bruise...if provider talks to pt can do this as additional procedure on same day. Add modifier 25 on office Ev Mgnt code then add rectum peek in process. If notice hemorrhoids or anything else put in notations. If do biopsy, brushing, snare hot biopsy or remove growth send to lab ...document it all. Also Medicare codes are G0121 and G0105. G0105 is for high risk pts.
Here is an example of anoscope documentation......
After discussion of prior cytology/biopsy findings and today’s planned procedure, signed informed consent was given to proceed. The patient was placed in the LLD position. The anal canal was anesthetized with 2% lidocaine gel and an anoscope was inserted. The anal canal and transition zone were stained with a 4x4 gauze sponge soaked in acetic acid (vinegar) inserted through the anoscope as the anoscope was removed. After several minutes, the gauze was removed and the anoscope was reinserted. 360 degrees of the SCJ*was visualized with a colposcope under high resolution with acetic acid staining and Lugol's iodine staining and the following findings were noted: RP LN lesion with glands, LL and LP AW lesions with CP, LN when Lugol's applied. There was a RL midcanal low-grade appearing area with faint punctations, RA there was a mixed Lugol's, anteriorly and LA were normal.*
Perianally, there were several whitish streaky plaques located posteriorly, RA, LA, almost stellate in appearance. The LA perianus had the largest PA lesion.
The 2 intraanal lesions were isolated and anesthetized with 0.5% Marcaine, and a hyfrecator set at 15 watts was used to cauterize the high grade lesions down to the vessels. Hemostasis was obtained with direct pressure. Biopsies x 1 was taken perianally after the LA perianal whitish plaque was anesthetized with 0.5% Marcaine with Baby Tischlers. Bleeding was scant and hemostasis was promoted with pressure to the biopsy site and Monsel's solution.
Well hope I helped you
Lady T