Wiki gastritis dx code help


True Blue
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Can anyone please help with the accurate dx for gastritis? The physician documents the final dx as gastritis due to alcohol without hemorrhage. Should this be coded as gastritis without hemorrhage or alcoholic gastritis without hemorrhage?

Thank you for any help.
I would say it depends on whether it is documented that the pt is an alcoholic or not. Just because the gastritis was due to alcohol does not mean the pt is necessarily an alcoholic.
I agree with 535.30. I would use this since it's documented due to alcohol and this specific code states that. The alcoholic portion does not refer to the patient, but rather the disorder.
really depends on how exactly the provider documented it, if he states gastritis due to alcohol then that is poisoning and you code according to poisoning guidelines, if it is stated as gastritis in an alcoholic then code the gastris and code alcoholism secondary, and yet if it is tated as alcoh0olic gastitis, then use the code for alcoholic gastritis.