Wiki Gait/Balance assessment CPT code for neurology


Lavonia, GA
Best answers
Hello everyone,
I have been working in the world of Multiple Sclerosis for the past year, which is a big change for me after spending 20 + years in direct care of the world of Developmental Disabilities. My role these days involves chasing after prior authorizations. I am still fairly new to the world of coding but this past year has helped me to understand the CPT codes much more. ICD-10 did not scare or bother me thanks to my previous roles with developmental disabilities.
Today before the end of the day I was asked to help billing decipher which CPT code they should be using for the new Gait and fall risk assessment room we now have.The codes they have billed under are not covered under neurology. I am guessing they should have been looking under the Therapeutic procedures, but that is just a guess as I have no idea what they are working with in the Gait and fall/risk room as far as machines. I'm at a loss until I go back in tomorrow morning and find out more details. However, I thought I would give this forum a shot to see if anyone else out there in the world of neurology has had experience in billing fo this type of assessment. I work with the infusion drugs so this is really a foggy area for me since this is my first involvement with it.

Thank you for any guidance.