Wiki Gad/phq/geriatric screen

Not sure what you're asking. Screening G-codes (for Medicare) may be appropriate, but I'm not sure what kind of screening this is. Can you be more specific, and indicate what it entails?
My providers have implemented templates in the EMR for meaningful use questionares.

Geriatric depression scale
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale
SLUMS ( for dementia )
Morse Fall Scale

They believe they are seperatly billable, other than the e/m code. I always thought they were included in the e/m code.
I don't believe these are separately reportable. I'd want them to show me where they got that information. :)

There is a G code that you can bill Medicare for depression screening. Read the Med Learn matters article for details on documentation--it's quite involved.

Otherwise depression screenings fall under the physicial examination portion of an E&M, or as part of a psychiatric diagnostic interview. We use the PHQ as part of our Annual Wellness visit, but it's not separately billable.