Wiki G2086/G2087 and G2088 bundles

Based on the description of the services included in billing office-based SUD treatment services, listed below, what services would be performed that are separately identifiable as case management services? I'm genuinely wondering what additional services your provider(s) would be providing which aren't already included in the bundled payment for G2086-G2088?


I got this information on the CMS website on the page regarding billing for physician and non-physician billing of office SUD treatment services titled Office-Based Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Billing link here.

Also, are you looking to bill commercial insurance plans for the additional case management services as most commercial plans don't cover case management services billed with G, H, S & T HCPCS codes. In my experience, case management services for MH/SA conditions are only covered by Medicaid. If you are asking about billing the additional case management services to a Medicaid program, you would need to look at the state specific guidelines for coverage of G2086-G2088 as well as case management services as Medicaid programs often allow billing of services outside of standard coding guidelines.