Wiki G0439


Evanston, WY
Best answers

Hello everyone,​

Does anyone know if you can prescribe meds with a G0439 ? My provider is not sure so I was hoping someone could send me in the right direction.​

Thank you​

Gina Perkes
Providers may prescribe medications whenever they determine that it is necessary to do so and is within the scope of their practice. It is not necessary to be billing any particular code or performing a specific service in order to be allowed to write a prescription.

G0439 does not necessarily include writing prescriptions, but that does not prevent a provider from doing so if it is needed. If the work involved in making the decision to prescribe is significant enough, then it might warrant billing an E&M code in addition to G0439 though.
Providers may prescribe medications whenever they determine that it is necessary to do so and is within the scope of their practice. It is not necessary to be billing any particular code or performing a specific service in order to be allowed to write a prescription.

G0439 does not necessarily include writing prescriptions, but that does not prevent a provider from doing so if it is needed. If the work involved in making the decision to prescribe is significant enough, then it might warrant billing an E&M code in addition to G0439 though.
Thomas Thank you- he is unsure and wants to see website or article regarding this. Would you happen to know, one? I appreciate your response back to me.
Thomas Thank you- he is unsure and wants to see website or article regarding this. Would you happen to know, one? I appreciate your response back to me.
There is no article regarding this - CMS is the agency that defines the G0439 and sets coverage and payment rules, but they do not regulate provider prescription practices.

If you need a detailed description of what is included in G0439 and the other wellness visits, you can find that here:

But if the provider has questions about when he is allowed to prescribe medications, he would need to contact his state board of medical licensing or the DEA, as those are the agencies tasked with regulating physician practice. It's not within the scope of coder training or responsibility to advise providers about prescribing.