Wiki FWA Training


Stuart, Florida
Best answers
Was wondering if as a healthcare employee (not working for a Medicare Advantage Organization) working for a provider or hospital, is it required that we go through annual FWA training (Fraud, waste, abuse) if the organization accepts Medicare/Medicaid payments?

Everywhere Ive worked in the past, they required it as part of their annual compliance measures. Where Im at now, thats not the case (only require it one time when you are initially hired) so I started digging to make sure I didnt misunderstand something. However, I havent been able to find the actual verbiage in the federal rule stating that non-MAO healthcare employees need to go through this training annually. I see where in the rules it states if you work for a Medicare Advantage Organization, you would need to go through this yearly but nothing explicitly states that the provider and hospital organizations require it annually. I feel like Im missing something and maybe just not looking in the right place cause literally every place Ive worked in healthcare has required this training annually (along with HIPAA compliance training).